Vaser Hi-Def Lipo

High definition liposuction is one of those treatments that’s making lipo even more attractive. Vaser Hi-Def Lipo or VASER is a new ultrasound liposuction procedure that takes traditional lipo to the next level. Vaser Hi-Def Lipo removes fat strategically from some places in the body, to show off the natural structure beneath. HD Lipo removes fat strategically from some places in the body, to show off the natural structure beneath. Experts can use on almost any body part, such as the arms, chest, shoulders, abs, buttocks, and inner thighs. Basically, you can have a more cut, defined, muscular body with High Definition Lipo.

Sixpack Surgery

The patients who are fit and exercise regularly, may still struggle to have that very defined body. This surgery also is called Sixpack Surgery since it’s possible to have Sixpack after the procedure. Although your surgical results are best seen after six weeks post-op, your body will continue to heal for the next four months and you will have to wear a compression garment for at least 4 weeks and ideally longer. A good diet, staying well hydrated, wearing your compression, and regular lymphatic massage will help to expedite your recovery and ensure the best long term results possible. Vaser Hi-Def Lipo is best suited for those who are looking to contour and sculpt the body, instead of overall fat reduction. Compression is important after liposuction because it helps to reduce and minimize postoperative swelling and bruising.

Male and Female patients might have different approach to this surgery. Most cases, Male patients want more defined chest and abs, while female patients want more contoured abdomen and in some cases they prefer the fat to be transferred to the buttocks. This surgery can be combined with Brazilian Butt Lift or Breast Implant/Lift Surgery. Consulting to a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon will help you to see your options.